From figuring out the basics of front end development to the ABCs behind creating a mobile web application that’s responsive to different screen sizes, we’ve compiled a few learning resources to get your developer learning kick started!
W3Schools is the largest web developer site in the world. From learning the basics of HTML and CSS to taking on the world of graphic design with lessons on colors, icons, and graphics, this site has it all.
W3S was created over two decades ago to help web developers around the world navigate typical challenges when writing and fixing code while creating a web application.
Content includes tutorials and references relating to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, Python, AngularJS, React.js, SQL, Bootstrap, Sass, Node.js, jQuery, XQuery, AJAX, XML, Raspberry Pi, C++, and Java. The best part of this resource is that sections easily discoverable and dedicated to tutorials, references, examples, and exercises so you can learn at your own pace.
GitHub is a global company that provides hosting for software development version control using Git. Owned by Microsoft, they offer all of the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git as well as adding its own features. However, while that’s great for qualified developers to have a formidable platform to build on, Github has created the Github Learning Lab to help those looking to build a basic understanding of web development 101 using Git.
The Github Learning Lab (according to Github), is a forum for collaboration, a sandbox for testing, a launchpad for deployment, and more importantly, a platform for learning new skills. Newcomers can create a free Github account and sign in to Learn6 new skills by completing easy-to-understand, realistic projects on your own time, privately in your own profile. They also created a Learning Lab bot, designed for students to ask for advice and helpful feedback on the exercises they’ve completed while guiding you through the exercises being taken.
Courses include Introduction to Github, Communicating Using Markdown, Github Pages and Contributing to Open Source.
Free Code Camp’s mission is to help people learn to code for free. It’s that simple. They have created an impressive web page content library of thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons, all freely available to target audiences worldwide.
They have also launched thousands of freeCodeCamp study groups around the world to encourage younger generations to get on board with web development learning. Free certifications include:
While the masses may be interested in seeking lessons on the basics of web development for a particular type of platform or programming language, many marketers today are curious to understand the ins and outs of mobile responsiveness. Udacity in partnership with Google has created a two-week course that’s focused on showcasing the fundamentals of responsive web design.
Participants of this developer course will begin by understanding what makes a site responsive and how some common responsive design patterns work across different devices, which is key to any seamless user experience. From there, students will learn how to create their own responsive layout using the viewport tag and CSS media queries. As they move through the course, they’ll experiment with major and minor breakpoints, and optimizing text for reading.
With social network viewability and mobile devices being primary sources of media consumption, mobile versions of user experiences are critical when developing a brand’s global presence to ensure the fluidity and adaptability, wherever audiences are engaging.
Code Academy takes a learn by doing approach. With over 45 million people having used the platform over the past seven years, they boast that they’ve perfected the teaching methods needed to explain complex topics such as web design and development, effectively.
There is one caveat, on the free version only basic courses are available but with the pro plan, users can learn, practice and apply job-ready skills. There is also unlimited mobile practice and peer support so you don’t feel alone on your journey in developing such an in-demand skillset.
They have also devised ‘career paths’ that teach the core skills of Computer Science, Data Science, and Web Development, as well as Skill Paths, focused on more specialized, shorter-term goals. If you’re not sure where to start, we’re pretty sure they have a path for that too.
If you’re not set on learning web development and design on your own, we’re here to chat when you’re ready. Whether it’s trying to figure out which website platform is best for your brand, or how does SEO work for voice assistant marketing.
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