Design is a critical element of the success of your ecommerce site. Without an easy-to-use interface and intuitive options, your users won’t be able to find the product or service they’re looking for. Conversely, by creating an engaging user experience, you can attract and retain customers, keeping them coming back again and again over time. While there are different approaches to ecommerce website design that depend largely on your product and demographic, we at Dotlogics have found that these custom ecommerce product page layouts consistently perform well when driving conversions.
This design works best with a large selection of products and services that require granular search option. Reiss Wholesale Hardware is a perfect example; their large inventory of hardware products contains multiple categories. In order to create an online shopping experience that’s right for their customer, we designed a familiar interface with filters and sort options. We also included a comprehensive search option at the top of the page. This allows the user to quickly browse through hundreds of items in order to find what they’re looking for. This is a popular design for many ecommerce sites used by even some of the biggest brands in the industry.
Not all ecommerce businesses offer multiple products of varying kinds. With smaller inventories and selections of product, a grid view is a classic and crisp option for showcasing options to the user. Pecans Delight sells gourmet, home grown pecans. To display their selection of products, we designed a fixed grid view, displaying high resolution images if the products in neat and orderly squares. This view looks good and works well with many kinds of products and is adaptable to large inventories with infinite scrolling or pagination options included.
With the proliferation of mobile device use, excessive navigation can cause slow load times and eat up precious data usage on a user’s smartphone or table. The quick view is a great solution; rather than clicking on the listed item’s link or picture and navigating to its own page, the quick view allows a user to see all the pertinent information, including the product’s image and description, without navigating to another page. This also allows for quick checkout options, as shown here with the site we designed for Broadway Basketeers.
Ready to get started with your ecommerce website design? Get in touch with the experts at Dotlogics. Our comprehensive web design services are just what you need to get your online business into the hands of your customers. Contact us today to get the ball rolling.
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