User experience (UX) is what separates mediocre websites from great websites. UX is what makes giants like Google, Facebook, Netflix, and Amazon a cut above the rest. According to User Testing Blog, user experience is simply “how you feel about every interaction you have with…(in this case, a website) in the moment you’re using it.”
Optimizing the user experience on your website can take it to the next level. By utilizing the following 4 tests, your will inspire delight in your users while they interact with your website.
When optimizing the user experience of your website, the first step is to understand your user. Start by building personas of your target audience and crafting your information hierarchy based on their preferences. Knowing who your users are and what they’re looking for on your site will help inform the other user experience tests.
There are multiple different software options, like CrazyEgg, that provide a heatmap of where users click, scroll, and hover. By learning what features of your website engage users the most, you can decide to enhance those features, make them easier to find, or promote that functionality of your site.
Sure, you know how many visitors are coming to your website. But do you know why most visitors aren’t subscribing, buying, or converting? By using Google Analytic’s Checkout Behavior Analysis, you can see where the sticking points are in your overall design and forms. Anything complicated or inconvenient to use can get in the way of conversions.
Not sure which feature will work best? Is your team divided on which call to action should get top priority? Try them both! A/B testing is where you launch two versions of the same website to see which is more successful. Because at the end of the day, the numbers don’t lie.
When creating a website that is easy to use, engaging, and effective, it’s important to consider behavioral data. By integrating the 4 steps above, you can create positive solutions in response to that data.
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