SEO Challenges

SEO can feel confusing and difficult to understand. Have no fear, for it is not quite as complicated as you have been led to believe. The web space evolves and changes rapidly, so staying up-to-date and informed is key. Approaching SEO incorrectly can have the opposite intended effect; instead of making your site more visible to users, you can be penalized by Google and have your site buried under more results than when you started. However, SEO isn’t just a mechanical checklist that you have to complete for each website. Each site offers something different and must accordingly provide content and resources that “influences” its users.

  1. Your Users Are Humans Too

    When considering to update your SEO strategy on your website, an important question to ask is, how do you balance a website’s design so that you appeal both to search engines as well as human users?  It’s important to realize, obvious as it may seem, that your users are humans. They are the ones who are looking for services or products and ultimately make the purchasing decision. They are the ones you hope will become your customers. If your site isn’t designed with them in mind, then it’s over before it even starts. Be sure your site is clean, organized, and products/services are easy to find.

    Google’s new AI technology watches for how long users interact with your website, what your bounce rates are and if your website provides relevant and engaging content. All of these factors help you in search engine rankings, as well as in appealing to your customers.

  1. Avoid Over Stuffing

    In the early days of search engine optimization, what we now call “black hat” SEO was a rampant practice. A marketer or web design agency could stuff meta tags and titles full of keywords to increase a page’s relevancy. Thankfully, these old practices don’t work anymore. A  page’s search engine ranking is determined by the relevance of the content compared to the user's intention. Due to this, providing high quality content that is useful to the person viewing your website is the best method for increasing your visibility in search engine results.

    Sadly, keyword stuffing is still a common practice by many marketers. Once keywords are selected, marketers include as many of them as possible into the site’s content. This often makes the content unreadable, which in turn hurts the overall rankings of the site. Keep in mind that the Google crawler is smart enough now to recognize keyword stuffing when it sees it.

    If your goal is to game the way Google indexes web content, you have quite the challenge on your hands. Google now devotes entire neural networks to the creation and adaptation of its own SEO algorithms, so that even they themselves don’t know exactly what to do to get to the top of a search page. The best practice remains providing content that establishes both utility and authority for your domain.

  1. Dotlogics can give you the leg up you need on a custom website optimized for search engines. Get in touch with us today to start your project.

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